
The Fresh Connection (TFC) is an advanced web-based business simulation that challenges participants to work together as a team to demonstrate and improve their knowledge of the Value Chain. It creates greater alignment and a deeper understanding in the world’s biggest and best businesses.

Discover the power of experiential learning with the world’s leading business games in Value Chain Management! Visit Visit

“The Fresh Connection enabled us to match corporate goals with supply chain performance metrics. The challenge was quite a unique experience; with every round we were forced to learn from our mistakes and find the root causes. It is an experience all managers and management trainees must taste.”
Ali KIRMIZI, Supply Chain Development Manager, SISECAM

“The Fresh Connection experience demonstrated how integrity and flow of information can impact the success of a company. It also helped us to understand challenges of other business functions which we can ignore in the routine of our dailiy business. The education eschemd and the simulation setup successfully shown the necessary ingredients that are necessary to smoothly run a supply chain. The essence of team work, dynamics of supply chain, prioritization, decision making under pressure, and synchronization of functions could not have been better taught.”
Barýþ GÜNAL, Supply and Planning Manager, BP

“My colleagues and I are all in the same boat; the boat will not go faster when any department or I outperform the rest of the crew. The Fresh Connection showed us in a very entertaining environment that a company needs a culture that promises the adoption of a shared business strategy. ”
Adil KARA, Supply Chain Manager, EVYAP